Legends of Honor is a MMO Strategy Game in a medival setting. Through economic management the player can build up his own castle and recruit an army. What makes the game unique is the very fast game flow on an action based worldmap. The player can control heroes, group together with other players and conquer enemy castles. 

The target group of the Game are experienced strategy players who want big complexity and full control over their action. Thats why the game offers a big varity of features and options to control the battle.

I joined the project from the beginning as the only UX Designer in a team with 50 people. My responisbility was to build up the navigation structure, design the main dialogs and develop the interaction concept.

Site Structure and Navigation

As base of the navigationsstructure I collected all planned features and clustered them in a sitemap. Due to the big complexity of the game it was a challange to have all important features fast accessable but still keep an clear navigation.

The sitemap is devided in six thematic categories on which base I developed the main navigation of the game.


After the features had a clear definition,  I started to create an exemplary master wireframe with a defintion of the general interface guidelines. The master dialog is the base of all other game dialogs that we developed.

Directly after the soft launch of the Browser APP, I started together with another UX Designer to adapt all screens from the browser version to the mobile version.

The mobile version contains the same content as the webversion. Due to the high complexity of the web version it was a challange to view all informations in the mobile interface but still have a clear layout. To have show all informations we devided the informations in different layers .

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